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4:30 PM


by "New York State Dept. of Health - Don't be Left in the Dark!"


1.    Run water until clear, using an outdoor faucet closest to the well or pressure tank.

2.    Mix two quarts household bleach containing about 5% chlorine in 10 gallons of water in

       a large bucket or pail in the area of the well casing.

3.    Turn electrical power off to the well pump.  Carefully remove the well cap and well seal if

       necessary.  Set aside.

4.    Place hose connected to outdoor faucet inside well casing.  Turn electrical power back on

       to the well pump and turn water on to run the pump.

5.    Carefully pour the water and bleach mixture from the bucket or pail down the open well

       casing.  At the same time, continue to run the water from the hose placed inside the well


6.    At each indoor and outdoor faucet, run the water until a chlorine odor is present,  then

       shut each faucet off.

7.    Continue running water through the hose inside the well casing to re-circulate the

       chlorine-treated water.  Use the hose to also wash down the inside of the well casing.

8.    After one hour of re-circulating the water, shut all faucets off to stop the pump. 

       Disconnect power supply to pump.  Remove re-circulator hose from well.

9.    Mix two more quarts of bleach in 10 gallons of water and pour mixture down the well


10.  Disinfect the well cap and seal by rinsing with a chlorine solution.  Replace well seal and


11.  Allow the well to stand idle for at least eight hours and preferably 12 to 14 hours.  Avoid

       using the water during this time.

12.  After the well has idled for the recommended period of time, turn the pump on and run

       the water using an outdoor faucet and garden hose in an area away from grass and

       shrubbery until the odor of chlorine disappears.  Run all indoor and outdoor faucets until

       the odor and taste of chlorine disappears.

NOTE:  The above listed procedures are reprinted from the NYSDOH's Don't be Left in the Dark! publication and have been provided for informational purposes only.  Please note there are other similar procedures available.  Whether or not you chlorinate your well and how you go about it are decisions you must make.  The procedures are reatively simple, but can be hazardous.  If you have any doubts about your ability to safely and properly follow these procedures, you are urged to contact a well service company or a plumber for professional help.  Certified Environmental Services, Inc. is not responsible for any injuries, problems, damages, or bacterial reoccurrences resulting from the use or misuse of this information.